Recently, we witnessed the havoc caused by Hurricane Ian in Florida. Numerous vehicles and homes were submerged in water causing severe damage to lives and the economy.

Living in flood-prone areas, it becomes pertinent to make sure that your car remains protected beside the home. A basic car insurance policy offering liability insurance coverage provides minimum coverage and doesn’t provide coverage for flood damage.

However, a comprehensive coverage plan will provide protection caused by floods, hail, and heavy rains. It even safeguards against damage caused by tree branches falling due to storms. It also compensates for damage caused by other natural calamities and man-made disasters.

The comprehensive insurance coverage also offers coverage of the actual cash value if the car encounters theft or vandalism. However, it does not protect in case of an accident. It will require additional collision coverage.

One must note that the Comprehensive Car Insurance Plan is optional. It is not an automatic part of typical car insurance in Florida. You can opt for different coverage options if you wish to have broader coverage.

Another factor to consider is that insurers restrict making changes to policies in case a major storm is on its way. Thus, you cannot add comprehensive coverage just before the storm hits.

Let’s look at some other aspects of car insurance coverage.

Does car insurance cover drive through a large puddle of water?

The car can be damaged by flooded streets or water puddles in the form of rust, mold, etc. A comprehensive coverage plan pays for the repairs, minus the deductible.

Does car insurance offer protection against water damage to an engine?

The electrical system, transmission lines, etc of the car can be damaged due to flooding. It may also destroy the vehicle’s engine. In such a scenario, comprehensive car insurance may pay for the repair or replacement of the vehicle minus the deductible.

Which electronic items are not covered against water damage?

The electronic accessories installed by the owner are generally not covered against any kind of water damage.

These include:

  • GPS Devices
  • Video Game Systems
  • Televisions and Computers
  • Tape decks, CD players, and Stereos
  • Scanners, CB Radios

How much does the Comprehensive Insurance Coverage cost?

For a comprehensive plan, you first need to choose a suitable comprehensive deductible. It is the money you pay out of pocket before the insurance coverage kicks in.

For instance, if you have a deductible of $500 and the flood causes $1,000 worth of damage to your car. You will need to pay $500, while the remaining $500 will be compensated by your insurance provider.

Choosing a higher deductible is often not recommended. The coverage of the comprehensive car insurance plan varies between insurers as well as amongst states. The value of premiums, deductibles, repair coverages, etc also differs from agency to agency.

Cathy Sink Agency is a renowned insurance company that offers comprehensive auto insurance in Fort Myers, Florida. Our experienced team is committed to making sure that customers get the coverage they need at affordable car insurance rates.

Our agents understand the risks people face while on the road and in emergencies like floods. Thus, they take enough time to explain coverages and chalk out the right car comprehensive insurance plan for you.

Don’t be unprepared for the possible damage caused by a hurricane, tropical storm, or other natural disasters. If you’re looking for comprehensive auto insurance in Fort Myers, Florida, get in touch with us today!

Let our comprehensive auto insurance plan keep you afloat during a flood!