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About Cassandra Sink

Where were you born? Princeton, Indiana
How long has you been in Fort Myers? We moved here when I was 5
Where is your dream vacation spot? Hawaii!
Do you enjoy your job and why? Yes, I enjoy helping others and closing sales
What are some of your hobbies? Watching movies, planning vacations, cooking
Do you have a celebrity crush and why? My husband is my crush! 🙂
What’s was your biggest screw up in the kitchen? Grabbing a skillet in a 450 degree oven.
Favorite country music singer? Tim McGraw
What is the best insurance company in the world? Allstate!



What is your zodiac sign? Virgo
Favorite candy bar? Hershey’s Cookies and Cream
What is your favorite music? Country.
What’s the craziest thing you have ever done? Swam with sting rays. It was brief. I got back up on the boat.
What’s your secret talent no one knows about? I can always sense when someone is pregnant lol, is that a talent?
All-time favorite scary movie? I HATE scary movies.
What celebrity do you feel that you resemble most? No one comes to mind.
What is your favorite song? Drops of Jupiter by Train
What fictional place would you most like to go? HOGWARTS!
What makes you bored? When someone is giving me driving directions and I have to pretend I know what streets they’re talking about. I’m going to GPS it.

What would you name your boat if you had one? You and Me
What is something you miss from your childhood? Just being with my parents all the time. They’re the best. 
What is your favorite type of food? I’m going to be very specific and say Mozzarella Sticks
What is your favorite sport to watch? Football but only if my team is winning
Are you a dog person or a cat person? Dog 1000%
What would be your ideal way to spend the weekend? With my husband by a pool or beach with a tropical drink
Where is the most interesting place you’ve been? Amphitheatre in Greece, Alcatraz Island, Winchester Mystery House
What city would you most like to live in? Nashville TN
If you won a million dollars, what would you do? Pay off student loans, help my in-laws retire comfortably, and go to Hawaii 🙂

  • Insurance Sales 100% 100%
  • Agency Management 95% 95%
  • Customer Service 90% 90%

Contact Cassandra Sink

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